Soil Conservation Planning & Gully Erosion Repair Field Day | Mt Forbes
Bruce Lord from Healthy Land and Water spoke about the reasons for reducing erosion and extended the offer of assistance to landholders.
Bill Steentsma from the Bremer Catchment Association spoke about the connection between cropping and soil conservation.
Dr Simon Lott from EnviroAg Australia spoke about the importance of property planning, finding the balance between hard and soft conservation measures. He lead the field day participants through the process that resulted in the successful completion of soil conservation works at the demonstration site.
Simon said, “There are solutions to any challenge. The key is having good quality, reliable data and knowing how to interpret that data to develop practical solutions for the challenges you face.”
Challenges like; time constraints, financial limitations, weather, climate and timing and working with contractors were broached. These overlay other landscape issues of soil, slope and cover. Field day participants were particularly interested in the technical detail of the location and functioning of the property soil conservation layout, and its contour banks, drop structures and rock shutes that were on display at the Mount Forbes property.